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Hycons started its journey in 2011 as a proprietary concern and was later upgraded to a private limited company in 2019 named as Hycons Renewable Private Limited. Its founders are a group of intellectuals committed to sustainable energy generation and strive to provide reliable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly biogas solutions to various industries, communities and households, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. SATAT a government of India initiative listed HYCONS as Technology provider for the biogas the sector in India.


At Hycons, we use state-of-the-art technologies, innovative ideas, and specialized equipment to deliver high-quality biogas solutions. Our production process is based on the anaerobic digestion of organic waste, producing biogas that can be used for electricity generation, heating, cooking, and transportation.

We offer biogas solutions that include purified and compressed biogas, organic fertilizers, electricity generation using biogas, and bio-CNG. Our solutions are highly customizable, catering to our clients’ unique requirements.

We also provide maintenance and operational services to ensure our clients’ biogas plants operate at optimum performance levels, minimizing downtime and maximizing their efficiency.

At Hycons Renewable Private Limited, we are committed to protecting the environment and mitigating climate change. We believe biogas has the potential to revolutionize the energy sector and help resolve environmental issues while providing sustainable energy solutions.

Hycons is focused on research, development and commercialisation of biogas and other renewable energy technologies. Biogas is produced by the anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial waste, with a special emphasis on using Napier as a standalone feedstock for biogas production.

Hycons is at the forefront of developing sustainable models for CBG/BioCNG production from its in-house hybridised/improved variety of Napier packchong – 1. The company has its own R&D facility to test, develop and validate data on all aspects of BioCNG production. BIO-CNG is the cleanest known source of energy, leaving a “zero” footprint of carbon, and involving the farming community to promote a circular economy.

Hycons is also working with various promoters to establish and operate plants across India. The company is planning to set up its own production facilities at different locations in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.

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